Monday, September 19, 2011

Counting down the days...

So this little beauty is being delivered to my house today.  

Picture from the showroom
I'm so excited to get home and sit on the new couch!  I love everything about it and it is the first big piece of furniture to arrive for our new home.

There is only one things that makes me nervous.  The color.  While this is PERFECT for the look and feel I'm going for in our home, it's not so perfect for the "bull in the china cabinet" that I married.  My sweet hubby is far from careful when it comes to spilling red wine or having charcoal on his hands.  He is quite the man's man which I ADORE about him, but it also scares me to death when it comes to my new white couch.  Oh well, it's just a couch.  Things get dirty and life moves on.  I'm hoping we can at least make it to double digits in the numbers of days before the first stain arrives.
Blessings to all for this wonderful week!  Praise the Lord for the rain!  Finally!

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