Friday, August 26, 2011


The blog world is a buzz with talk of Erin Condren.  My precious friend Meredith alerted me to this fabulous site.  Knowing my love of stationary, calendars, papers, and pretty much anything cutesy, she couldn't have found me a more exciting link!  The most popular product right now is the life planner.  I was head over heals when I saw this!  I immediately ordered one (after much debate on which cover to buy) and waited for my precious package to arrive.

It was a Saturday around 8AM when I heard the knock on the door.  What an exciting way to start the weekend.

Couldn't wait to open this package!

Oh my cup runneth over!  So many goodies!

I couldn't wait to write in my lovely life planner.  It is the perfect thing for an organization freak like me!

I was so in love with my life planner that I immediately went back on line to stock up on more goodies.  I got tablets, stationary, gift stickers, a notebook, and life planner for my mom.

Thank you so much Erin for your wonderful products!  You have a customer for life!

On another note, I've been quite absent from the internet these days.  My life has been consumed with unpacking, organizing, home visits, trips to Lowes, and home projects.  I started to take before and after pictures of the various projects and home changes but quickly realized the projects themselves where enough work.  Documenting them was dang near impossible.

So with that said, here is the one pic I had the energy to pull of my camera.  This is me, large and in charge at 23 weeks.  I'm now 241/2 but we missed this week's photo op. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Starting anew

Well everyone...I'm back.  After much debate I have decided to come back to the blogging world.  I was torn between returning to my old blog that I had for many years and starting a new one.  I LOVED my old blog.  It had so many posts, pictures, and memories from the last five years.  But since I haven't blogged in about a year and so much has happened since then I thought it was best to start anew.  I'm not going to waste hours and hours trying to catch everyone up on the last year's events.  I'll summarize:  Got married.  Bought a house.  Having a baby.  I would say that hits the key points.  So from now on, it's all about blogging the now.  And right now all I can thinking about is the move we have this weekend.  I can't wait!  We close on our house tomorrow so I will have two weeks filled with packing, unpacking, organizing, and projects.  Many pictures to come, I'm sure.  Today I am 22 weeks pregnant with Baby Aubrey and I couldn't be more excited about pregnancy.  The last week or so she has REALLY started moving.  I'm so in love I can't describe it!  But I'm sure you mommies know the feeling.  Now she is moving ALL the time and I get such joy out of feeling my baby girl.  Can't wait to see her face!

This first post is going to be short because frankly I can't stand to look at this generic blog template.  Any ideas on a good blog designer?
And because I refuse to start the blog off on a bad note by not including a picture, here is all I have, a picture I took on my phone to send to the hubs saying his girls love him.  (I have to replace my personal computer so my pictures are hijacked in the mean time).


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