Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Giving thanks for Thanksgiving

Most of you probably know the tradition of listing something for which you are thankful each day in November all the way up until Thanksgiving.  I'm a day behind but better late than never.

November 1 - I am thankful for a husband who is easy going and laid back.  He seriously is happy in just about any circumstance and doesn't mind just going with the flow.  Yesterday I had big promises of a yummy meal waiting for him when he got home but after an afternoon of not feeling great he was more than happy to pick me up and take me for a lovely dinner date at Chickfila so I wouldn't have to cook.  He really doesn't mind doing whatever makes me happy.

November 2 - I am thankful I'm able to be at home during these last weeks of pregnancy.  This afternoon I found myself starting to get bored but quickly reminded myself how blessed I am that I am able to be in my home, lay in my bed, and nap when I need to during the home stretch of pregnancy.  It really is a blessing to spend my days in my house getting things done and resting.  I'm so thankful I'm able to do that.

I'm also thankful for my photographer sister-in-law.  She is amazing and I love having someone so talented for all our photo needs.  She recently did my maternity photos and I just got a sneak peak.  I love the pic!  It did, however, make me realize how puffy I'm becoming and my husband almost cried when he saw how bald he's getting from an aerial view.  LOL.  My face isn't quite looking like itself and that was actually the last day I could fit my wedding rings on my swollen little fingers.  Puffy-ness and all, there were LOTS of great shots from that day and I can't wait to see and share the rest!  A perk of knowing the photographer is that you can look through her camera after the session to see some of the goodies to come!  No matter how puffy I look and feel these days, I love seeing our little family together and cherish our first photos as a growing family of three! 

Love the sweetness in this pic!
I am so lucky to be married to a man who is so sweet to me and SO in love with his two girls.  He couldn't be more excited to hold his daughter and I feel that love from him when I look at this picture!

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet post! We all have SO many things to be thankful for!



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