Monday, August 8, 2011

Starting anew

Well everyone...I'm back.  After much debate I have decided to come back to the blogging world.  I was torn between returning to my old blog that I had for many years and starting a new one.  I LOVED my old blog.  It had so many posts, pictures, and memories from the last five years.  But since I haven't blogged in about a year and so much has happened since then I thought it was best to start anew.  I'm not going to waste hours and hours trying to catch everyone up on the last year's events.  I'll summarize:  Got married.  Bought a house.  Having a baby.  I would say that hits the key points.  So from now on, it's all about blogging the now.  And right now all I can thinking about is the move we have this weekend.  I can't wait!  We close on our house tomorrow so I will have two weeks filled with packing, unpacking, organizing, and projects.  Many pictures to come, I'm sure.  Today I am 22 weeks pregnant with Baby Aubrey and I couldn't be more excited about pregnancy.  The last week or so she has REALLY started moving.  I'm so in love I can't describe it!  But I'm sure you mommies know the feeling.  Now she is moving ALL the time and I get such joy out of feeling my baby girl.  Can't wait to see her face!

This first post is going to be short because frankly I can't stand to look at this generic blog template.  Any ideas on a good blog designer?
And because I refuse to start the blog off on a bad note by not including a picture, here is all I have, a picture I took on my phone to send to the hubs saying his girls love him.  (I have to replace my personal computer so my pictures are hijacked in the mean time).

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